Awards & Recognitions

Submitted by admin on Wed, 10/13/2021 - 16:24
Award Date
January 2017
Award Name
A UNWTO Award and Recognition
In January 2017, Petra National Trust was recognized by the United Nations World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) for its innovative Education, Outreach, and Awareness Program in Petra.

Petra National Trust has been shortlisted among 139 applications from 55 countries for this international award.
Award Image
Award Date
June 2017
Award Name
HRH Princess Dana Firas appointed as UNESCO Goodwill Ambassador for Cultural Heritage
HRH Princess Dana Firas was appointed as UNESCO Goodwill Ambassador, by the Director-General of UNESCO, Irina Bokova.

This appointment comes in recognition of Her Highness’s outstanding commitment to heritage protection and preservation, her contribution to responsible tourism and community participation; notably through her activities as President of Petra National Trust and for her dedication to the ideals and aims of UNESCO.
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Award Date
November 2017
Award Name
HRH Princess Dana Firas Selected as a “Global Ambassadors of Peace through Tourism”.
The International Institute for Peace through Tourism (IIPT) selected HRH Princess Dana Firas, among six outstanding individuals from the world of travel and tourism as “Global Ambassadors of Peace through Tourism”.

The announcement was made during the World Travel Market, held in London on the 6th of November 2017.
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Award Date
June 2018
Award Name
Petra National Trust won the Peace through Community Livelihood Enhancemen award.
The Resilience through Tourism Summit was held on 26-27th June 2018. As part of the conference, local winners of the International Peace through Tourism Awards were announced and Petra National Trust is proud to have been recognized as a winner of the Peace through Community Livelihood Enhancement award.
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Award Date
August 2018
Award Name
HRH Princess Dana Firas Awarded 2018 Arab Culture Personality.
In August 2018, HRH Princess Dana Firas was the first woman to be awarded Arab Heritage Personality Award during a ceremony at the Arab Tourism Media Oscar Awards organized by the Arab Tourism Media Centre. She is also the first Arab and Jordanian figure who has been selected for this prestigious prize, an Arab-wide voting process in which over 1.5 million people cast a vote.

The award came in recognition of HRH Princess Dana Firas’ outstanding commitment to heritage protection and preservation as a pillar of sustainable development, her contribution to responsible tourism, and community participation, notably through her activities as President of PNT.
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